Thursday, February 23, 2012

i have found my little babe again but i'm ashamed i took advice from that guy. Why would a grown man (besides her dad) know anything about Audrey? i didnt believe him at first but i wanted to talk to her so bad i just gave it a try. And then i saw the things she said.... i'm glad she has good friends they sound like they protect her a lot. I hope i never see that guy a gain he had millions of scars all over him he at first acted surprised that i could see him. of course i could see him, duh i have i eyes. i dreamed about that night when me and audrey talked about how we would wished to turn into wolves and runaway together. we knew it was  fake but the thrill of turning into a wolf- that would be so exciting!


  1. i remember that night we were talking about all the weird dreams we have ever had lol you added the runaway part but i had no reason to. i still dont trust you much. i dont have a reason to.

  2. =) after that kiss you did.. please trust me. if your friends also say its okay to trust me will trust me then?

  3. please i want your last words to me to be happy and good not anything else. because im moving into the TOWN of san felipe so i wont be able to talk to you i dont have a phone and i wont have internet. at leats can we be friends?

  4. ...i dont know ... your moving into the town? i.. i dont know what to say..

  5. Ok well heres what I say....go ahead and be audreys friend now that i actually beleive yew:3 if you and audrey ever find eachother you to could be..............i think you know the rest anywho you ahould visit sure audrey would love that aha.....

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    2. hahaha, sí que es tan verdad que estoy muy seguro que le gustaría volver a verte .. por favor venga tan pronto como sea possiable;)

  6. -.- shut up. and i dont think i can trust you! maybe friends but i think thats it.

  7. stop writing things on my blog please

  8. i am trying to talk to Audrey! im sorry i killled your joy. your friends are kind of funny. yes i do want to see her but i cant.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. stop being a jerk i'm trying to be nice which isnt easy for me just ask Audrey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. go on wolfhome and send me a message.

  10. mi pequeño bebé me voy a mudar el domingo así que voy a necesitar un anwser. amigos? no amigos? Qué piensa usted de mí más que un amigo? y cuando usted va a San Felipe una vez más mirar a nuestro árbol les dejamos algunas fotos para usted. besos

  11. Mi respuesta es sí, yo seré tu amigo y supongo que todavía lo hacen confiar en que tal vez sólo un poco. Y nuestro árbol cuando se mueve, va a ser el árbol de nuestros medios de concetion? besos a ti también

  12. =) que me hizo sonreír. cambio de planes me voy a mudar mañana y esta bien que hackeado mi cuenta. eso prueba que me conocen tan bien. ;)

  13. Ah, y sí, el árbol será nuestro modo de conmenacation

  14. aww que lindo ^. ^ quiero llorar ahora
